Monday, December 22, 2008

Shit people leave on the road

Rode with a good mate of mine from Kingscliff to Brunswick Heads return this morning. As you do. Shut up.

Checking over the steed on Friday night, I'd noticed the back tyre had copped a couple of nicks, but on close inspection none of them had penetrated the carcass. Of course, this sort of shit plays on your mind, so I had this kind of foreboding I was going to cop a puncture this morning. Which of course I duly did. Nothing to do with the nicks, though.

A brass staple had penetrated the tread and cut the tube.

Who the fuck leaves a brass staple on the side of the Pacific Highway?

The trail of debris was pretty impressive - some of the bolts, sheesh, how can people continue flying down the road with this stuff coming off their vehicles? Bolts, fine stones, the compulsory brown glass from broken stubbies, broken octopus straps, squashed bananas (when when they build crossings so bananas can get across roads safely? How many more have to die?), tyre carcasses, rope, bits of tin, wire, Magnas, Camrys, a removal van - all sorts of crap.

All just waiting for you to take a drink from your bottle, not see them so they can slash your tyres and leave you stranded 40km from anyone who might give a shit you're out there. Probably with no phone reception. And a friendly roadworker called Ivan.

Anyway, managed to enjoy the ride despite the impromptu roadside repair (which I miraculously only partly fucked up as the CO2 pump took the head of the valve with it). Certainly is a pretty part of the world there, despite the freeway...and B-Doubles doing the ton 10 metres from your arse...


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