Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On the road again

With a long break from running (and to be frank, any form of exercise, or for that matter, discipline on the food and alcohol front) due to osteitis pubis, December has been declared 'Prelude to Return' month.

As part of that, I've resumed cycling to work, and have joined a gym virtually directly underneath my office. No, it's not Fitne$$ Fir$t. The theory is the money saved on public transport will pay for the gym membership (and then some), as they're too cheap to install showers at work and given the usual state of the toilets I'm not giving myself a sponge bath in there.

So, back out on the roads today. Nothing to report on the car front today, they were all pretty well behaved. Only incident to report was a sub-continent looking fellow who decided that crossing the road from opposite the Cognos building in St Leonards was a great idea despite it being blind and only having about 40 metres of vision up the Pacific Highway, and that the best place to do it was from halfway across the inside lane. I aimed right at him until he got the idea that maybe I would hit him, and he reluctantly returned to the gutter.


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