Sunday, February 13, 2005

Feb 14 ride in

Took the bus all of last week to preserve my legs. Elected to ride in today, but take it easy (as I will do on the way home).

Today's highlights were:
- the truck and the silver Honda Jazz squeezing in front of me so they could get to the back of the queue stopped at the Burns Bay Road/Penrose Street intersection 40 metres up the road. I had much pleasure in eking past them up the left.
- the white late model Corolla who charge up to me at the round-about in Crows Nest and braked at the last minute when he realised the entry was too narrow. Clown. I CAN ACTUALLY HEAR YOU WHEN YOU DO THAT!

Otherwise, fairly quiet. We had a little group of three of us, plus a moped, through St Leonards, so that was nice.


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