Monday, January 30
Highlights of the ride in this morning included:
- coming up Burns Bay Rd, approaching the Penrose Street intersection. the elderly gentleman, accompanied by the best warning that HRT can help women you ever saw, helpfully suggest I should ride on the footpath. This is the same footpath he and whoever it was he was walking with were completely blocking. His comb-over, tailored shorts and walk socks only strengthened his argument.
- opposite Len Wallis Hi Fi in Lane Cove, a smart fellow in a white Corolla sedan found it necessary to cruise past me and then stop, with his left hand blinker on, 20 metres in front of me. Cyclists love it when motorists do that.
- dickhead of the morning, however, goes to the fellow in the bronze Ford Laser just around the corner from the previous incident. If you know Burns Bay Road and where it goes through the back of Lane Cove (past the supermarket), you'll remember where the road cuts a right-angle to the left around the post office, with the pedestrian crossing in the middle of the corner. I got passed by a fellow apparently in his pyjamas on a fairly powerful motorbike, and it was him I was watching as we turned into the corner - only to find our lane pretty well blocked by the aforementioned bronze Laser who was attempting a U-Turn across double white lines around a blind corner. He, of course, propped, and so frantically waived a cyclist and motorcyclist who were initially bewildered, and then angry. Nice work.
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